“Are you ready to begin?” said the sage.
“Begin? I have travelled my whole life and seen many lands”, I said, “from an early age when I left the land of my birth, taken away from the place I knew as home, the land of my forebears, carried beyond borders and over seas, settling where customs felt foreign and the tongue was strange. As a youth I wandered, searching, through forests and across deserts, over mountains and in valleys, asking, calling, reaching, following. Then I settled for a while in a city with grand buildings and spacious parks, where the people, for all their wealth, were unsettled and ill at ease, so I listened and learnt and I offered myself, but, unheard and un-received, I moved on. And after many years I have come to a peaceful valley, a rich and fertile place among the mountains, but their unease has stayed with me as I hear them not hearing and wish for a voice that could sound in that night.”
“Are you ready to begin?” said the sage.