we are always setting out
if we think we've arrived, we delude ourselves
all our yesterdays are in this moment
in which we take the next step...
don't burden memory with expectations,
just let it be what it has been
meditation, pyrenees, france, cathar, life, luing, love, parting, life choices, love poetry, present, being present, now, building, life stories, personal growth, reconciliation, stories, personal development, iris, flag iris, design, environmental building, ecology, green energy, renewable energy, people, building for people, meditation, pyrenees, france, cathar, life, luing, love, parting, life
choices, love poetry, present, being present, now, building, life
stories, personal growth, reconciliation, stories, personal
development, iris, flag iris, design, environmental building, ecology,
green energy, renewable energy, people, building for people, meditation, pyrenees, france, cathar, life, luing, love, parting, life
choices, love poetry, present, being present, now, building, life
stories, personal growth, reconciliation, stories, personal
development, iris, flag iris, design, environmental building, ecology,
green energy, renewable energy, people, building for people, meditation, pyrenees, france, cathar, life, luing, love, parting, life
choices, love poetry, present, being present, now, building, life
stories, personal growth, reconciliation, stories, personal
development, iris, flag iris, design, environmental building, ecology,
green energy, renewable energy, people, building for people meditation, peacefulness, literature, south-west France, St. Laurent, Saint Laurent